Executive Committee
In 2010 the Synod of the Archdeaconry of North-West Europe established an executive committee for the Anglican Churches in the Netherlands. The committee exists to serve and to represent the chaplaincies of the Netherlands at a national level. In particular, it aims to set up a central resource of expertise and information about legal, financial, personnel and taxation issues.
Furthermore, the committee aims to
The current members of the committee are:
The committee meets approximately four times a year. The annual meeting of the Anglican Churches in the Netherlands occurs during the annual Archdeaconry Synod. At this meeting, the members of the Archdeaconry Synod representing Dutch churches provide accountability for the Executive Committee.
Our representative on the CIO (Interkerkelijk Contact in Overheidszaken) ensures that the Anglican Church in the Netherlands has a voice in official communication with the Dutch government. The communication goes two ways:
The Netherlands Council of Churches is part of the World Council of Churches, which seeks to demonstrate the visible unity of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church. In the Netherlands, the Council of Churches provides the platform for maintaining personal relationships between the leaders and representatives of churches in the Netherlands.
Secondly, it organises advocacy in public affairs in the media.
Thirdly, it provides a platform for engaging in dialogue with other faiths in the Netherlands. Our Anglican representatives have for a long time served both as Standing Committee members, representing the episcopal and synodical churches on the Standing Committee, as well as representing Anglicans directly on the Council.
Each Anglican church in the Netherlands is encouraged to develop their own local ecumenical relationships and to feed into the ecumenical agenda at a national level.
Each Anglican church in the Netherlands has its own separate legal identity derived from that that it is part of the Deanery of the Netherlands, and is responsible for financing its own ministry. The Executive Committee provides the means by which all the Anglican churches in the Netherlands connect with one another, and serve each other in the mutual objective of the participating in God’s mission.
The Deanery of the Netherlands allows the bishop’s oversight to be visible more directly at a national level, through his appointee, the Area Dean. The Area Dean convenes meetings of the clergy chapter for prayer, mutual encouragement and support, and the sharing of best practice.
There are significant economies of scale to be achieved through the sourcing of common suppliers, for example, in healthcare and energy, pension provision for clergy and other staff, sharing of tax information, and defining terms and conditions.
In 2010 the Synod of the Archdeaconry of North-West Europe established an executive committee for the Anglican Churches in the Netherlands. The committee exists to serve and to represent the chaplaincies of the Netherlands at a national level. In particular, it aims to set up a central resource of expertise and information about legal, financial, personnel and taxation issues.
Furthermore, the committee aims to
- ensure that the Church is represented on CIO (Interkerkelijk Contact in Overheidszaken) and on the Netherlands Council of Churches (Raad van Kerken);
- represent the Anglicans in ecumenical and state structures and occasions;
- provide personnel support services, share information, expertise and good practice with Chaplaincies and particularly with newly appointed clergy.
The current members of the committee are:
- The Archdeacon of North-West Europe, the Ven Sam Van Leer
- The Area Dean of the Netherlands, the Revd Ruan Crew (chair);
- Our Elected Representatives, chosen by the annual meeting of the Netherlands Deanery at the North-West Europe Archdeaconry Synod: the Revd Grant Crowe (Amersfoort), the clergy representative; and Ms Sandra Sue (Utrecht), the lay representative and our Treasurer.
- Our Ecumenical Representative to the Netherlands Council of Churches, Mr Henk Korff;
- Mr Jan de Beij, who provides legal expertise, represents us on CIO and is the main contact on ANBI questions (related to ‘Algemeen Nut Beogende Instellingen’ — churches and charitable foundations with tax-deductible status);
- Ms Simone Yallop (Twente), who is our Executive Secretary.
The committee meets approximately four times a year. The annual meeting of the Anglican Churches in the Netherlands occurs during the annual Archdeaconry Synod. At this meeting, the members of the Archdeaconry Synod representing Dutch churches provide accountability for the Executive Committee.
Our representative on the CIO (Interkerkelijk Contact in Overheidszaken) ensures that the Anglican Church in the Netherlands has a voice in official communication with the Dutch government. The communication goes two ways:
- the government informs the religious organisations of regulations by which we need to comply. Examples of this are the ANBI regulations which ensure that we retain charitable status.
- Similarly, the churches can make representation to the government. For example, churches have petitioned via the CIO for banks to implement procedures such that they can be recognised as legal bodies without resorting to establishing separate foundations.
The Netherlands Council of Churches is part of the World Council of Churches, which seeks to demonstrate the visible unity of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church. In the Netherlands, the Council of Churches provides the platform for maintaining personal relationships between the leaders and representatives of churches in the Netherlands.
Secondly, it organises advocacy in public affairs in the media.
Thirdly, it provides a platform for engaging in dialogue with other faiths in the Netherlands. Our Anglican representatives have for a long time served both as Standing Committee members, representing the episcopal and synodical churches on the Standing Committee, as well as representing Anglicans directly on the Council.
Each Anglican church in the Netherlands is encouraged to develop their own local ecumenical relationships and to feed into the ecumenical agenda at a national level.
Each Anglican church in the Netherlands has its own separate legal identity derived from that that it is part of the Deanery of the Netherlands, and is responsible for financing its own ministry. The Executive Committee provides the means by which all the Anglican churches in the Netherlands connect with one another, and serve each other in the mutual objective of the participating in God’s mission.
The Deanery of the Netherlands allows the bishop’s oversight to be visible more directly at a national level, through his appointee, the Area Dean. The Area Dean convenes meetings of the clergy chapter for prayer, mutual encouragement and support, and the sharing of best practice.
There are significant economies of scale to be achieved through the sourcing of common suppliers, for example, in healthcare and energy, pension provision for clergy and other staff, sharing of tax information, and defining terms and conditions.